The greatest resource of our nation is not our wealth or acquisitions but our children, the custodians of our future as a nation. Therefore, we must invest into the lives of the children of our nation. We must purposefully give our time and effort into moulding, shaping and developing our future leaders. We must also ensure that we do everything within our power to protect and nurture our children and advocate for their rights at every chance possible.
We as nation builder's development are committed to the holistic development of the child taking into consideration the unique background of each child. Our child development programs cover a range of topics from reading to life skills to personal finance to bullying.

Leading by Reading

Reading is a basic fundamental skill required for the learning process to be effective. According to statistics, many learners struggle with learning at school due to lack of the ability to read and understand. Equipping children with the skill to lead is not only going to enhance and improve their learning but also open up a whole new world through books. We believe that the greatest gift you can give a child is the ability to read. Our program is geared for grade R-2 and gives them the core skills necessary to read.

Life skills- Free to be Me

Free to Me is a life skills program aimed at primary school learners and it focuses on enabling the child to discover their identity by addressing topics such as getting to know themselves, respecting their bodies, basic social skills to name a few.

This program highlights the importance of valuing and appreciating who you are as well as the people around you.

Personal finance – Money Sense

Teaching children how to value and use money correctly at an early age will foster good money usage habits that will hold them in good stead in their adult life.

Money sense will equip children with the knowledge on budgeting, importance of saving and delayed gratification. This program will enable children to make wise financial decisions based on knowledge and information. It will also promote a culture of saving, something which is sorely lacking in our nation.

Child Abuse – My Body My Rules

The scourge of child abuse is increasing at an alarming rate in our nation. Many of the cases of child abuse goes unreported. It is up to us to protect our children.

Our My Body My Rules program teaches young children about the different types of abuse, how to stand up for their rights, what to do in the event of abuse, how to prevent abuse (where possible). This program empowers children no to remain silent and not to self-blame.

Human Trafficking – Not for Sale!

Human Trafficking has become a global crisis that affects mainly women and children. Human life is no longer valued or respected.

Not for Sale! Is structured to create an awareness of different ways people are trafficked and what to do in the event of being trafficked. Also contact details of various organisations involved the prevention of Human Trafficking.

Bullying – Buddy or Bully?

Bullying among children especially at school has become a growing concern for parents. Many children have attempted or committed suicide due to the stress and trauma of being bullied.

This program addresses both the perpetrator and the victim. It equips children with the tools to correctly address conflict and how to avoid inaccurate confrontation. It also informs children on what to do in the event of being bullied.

Entrepreneurship – Breaking the Box

Many children are outside the box thinkers and have an innate knack for business and creativity.

Our Breaking the Box training informs and educates children on what is entrepreneurship, how to identify a gap in the market, how to take an idea and turn it into a lucrative business. It also equips children with basic business skills and training like how to write a business plan.

In today's society this skill is vital due to our high unemployment rate. Breaking the Box will enable young children to break all limitations that prevent them from achieving their goals.



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